Pet parenting advice from Sarah Gillis

Pet parenting advice from Sarah Gillis

Since bringing my first dog Peanut home in March 2020, I have loved being a dog parent, even the challenges that come with it. Peanut is a Cavapoo and it’s true when they call them real-life teddy bears. They’re extremely loving, fluffy and the most adorable faces. So much so, we added a second Cavapoo, Pablo, to the family and it’s safe to say we’ve never looked back!

One of the biggest challenges when getting a new puppy is getting ready to leave them at home alone. To sustain life beyond the puppy stage, you know you need to, but it can be very daunting and does require practice and patience.

Sarah’s top tips:

Here are my top tips to leaving your dogs at home;

Start young - the puppy stage is hard but it’s such a crucial time for your dog’s development and learning. Getting them used to being home alone may seem daunting, but you are doing them a favor in the long run. Start off with leaving them for short bursts and gradually extend the time left alone as they become more used to it.

Don’t make a fuss - your dogs pick up on patterns and they tend to learn what it means when you start getting ready to head out. Being left at home alone can be upsetting for some, so trying to make the least amount of fuss when heading out can help minimize distress. Although it’s tempting, when you come home, try not to encourage a massive, over-the-top welcome home.

Comfort is key - I admire how much dogs can lie around, they love finding a comfy spot to relax. When you’re heading out, make sure your dog can access their favourite comfy bed or blanket. My two love their donut-shaped beds; they seem to find them super comforting and the supportive shape helps to calm their senses.

Give yourself peace of mind - we talk about dog’s having separation anxiety, but I have to admit I think I have it too! Purchasing a camera for your home, such as a Ring Indoor Camera, is a great way to keep an eye on your dog when they’re home alone. You will be able to see what they’re up to, how they’re behaving and know they’re safe! If you catch them doing something they shouldn’t be, the built-in microphone and Two Way Talk feature allow you to speak to them directly, from wherever you are using the Ring app.

Treat them to a paw-fect night in

To help you achieve home alone harmony, we're giving you the opportunity to book your pooch a free takeaway-inspired meal with our limited-time Treataway service. Click here to learn more about Ring's Treataway.