Ring offers peace of mind to adult children worried about their ageing parents.

Ring offers peace of mind to adult children worried about their ageing parents.
As anyone with ageing parents will know, striking the balance between supporting their independence and taking care of their welfare and security can be difficult. With that in mind, Ring have commissioned a study into the challenges faced by the elderly, the concerns their loved ones have and the ways that smart security can help ease those worries.

A delicate balance

Unsurprisingly, our research discovered that 8 in 10 adults with ageing parents worry about their welfare and security and wrestle with balancing those concerns with the desire to respect their independence. In fact, the issue is so pervasive that from a poll of 2,000 adults with elderly parents, over 86 percent of them worry about their mums and dads up to 10 times a week. Amongst their biggest concerns were worries that their parents might become victims of scammers and burglars, or that they might have a fall. Despite the understandable desire to intervene, almost half of those asked said that they were worried that intervening would make their parents feel like a burden.

Jane, 55, from South East London, said: “My 88-year-old mum lives independently at home and has always effectively taken care of her finances, household administration and been aware of scammers. However, she has recently been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Dementia and, unfortunately, early in the year, she nearly fell foul to a cowboy builder who came to her front door.”

Many respondents told us that they aimed to speak to their parents at least once a week, just to check in and make sure everything is ok. Others said that if they could, they would like to speak to them more frequently. Although many live near their parents, a significant number live further away, so beyond a phone or video call, checking in regularly is rendered more difficult.

Increasing age, increased concerns

Given that a third of people in our survey told us that they had experienced avoidable issues with their parents, their concerns are understandable. Our research discovered that around 33 percent of respondents reported that their parents had fallen without anyone to help them. A further 29 percent said that their parents were lonely and isolated and another 26 percent expressed that parents weren’t doing enough exercise. The issues faced spread beyond feelings of isolation and health concerns and into more practical day-to-day problems. As their parents have gotten older, some of them have struggled to do their weekly shop, while others have found themselves confined to the house. Understandably, they have become more reliant on home deliveries.

Naturally, these concerns increase as parents get older and as a result, 71 percent of those asked said that they worry more about how their parents will cope as they get older. It therefore comes as no surprise that those with aging parents start to seek out ways to help ease their worries and provide some additional security for their relatives.

Smart security solutions

Turning to technology, some have considered using smart home security devices as a way of giving their parents extra support, without impinging on their independence. Of those who are thinking about purchasing smart security devices, emergency call buttons and video doorbells rank amongst the most popular devices under consideration. A whopping 66 percent told us that they would feel reassured if their parent’s homes were fitted with a smart home security system.

Rosa, an 80-year-old grandmother from Enfield, said: “As a woman in her 80s, I love having my independence and being able to enjoy the joys of life, just like I did when I was younger! But as I’ve gotten older, I appreciate the care from my family and feel much safer in my town and home knowing they’re able to keep an eye on me and the house through my Ring Video Doorbell – especially as I live alone in North London.”

Ring Video Doorbells and Security Cameras offer the elderly the convenience of being able to see exactly who has dropped by, check what’s happening and to receive deliveries without having to rush to answer the door, or even be at home. Ring spotlight and floodlight-enabled Security Cameras allow them to shine a light on unwanted guests and sound the siren for some extra security when they need it. If they feel the need to protect more of their home, then they have the option of Ring Alarm - an affordable DIY security system. With a subscription to Ring Protect, these easy to install and simple to use Alarm kits offer the added benefit of Assisted Monitoring, which calls the homeowner’s emergency contacts in the event an emergency is detected. The latest Alarm Keypad also includes a panic button, that will also call the emergency contacts when pressed. For their offspring, these devices and their features offer peace of mind, knowing that their elderly parents can check who’s there before opening the door, receive deliveries without fuss and raise the alarm if an emergency occurs.

Dave Ward, Managing Director UK & International at Ring, said: As our loved ones age, we want to look after their wellbeing and safety, while at the same time respecting their autonomy and personal space. Embracing thoughtful and innovative technology solutions like a Ring Video Doorbell or Stick Up Cam can offer new ways to stay connected and ensure the safety of our aging family members - without intruding on their lives.”