Keeping an Eye on Your Pets, with Ring.

Keeping an Eye on Your Pets, with Ring.

Soon after moving house, dog lover Sharon and her husband Craig decided they wanted the peace of mind of a smart security system for their new home. They promptly installed a Ring Video Doorbell and Indoor Cam to protect their property and check in on their beloved cockapoos, Izzy and Henry. The couple then added more outdoor Ring Security Cameras to secure their cars and garden, before installing a Ring Alarm system to protect even more of their home.

“We wanted the front doorbell so we could see who was outside the house, we wanted an internal camera to look at the dogs at night.”

Their two dogs have very different personalities. While Henry is the relaxed type, Izzy is a more sensitive character, getting nervous whenever Sharon or her husband leave the room.  Sharon quickly realised that she could use Ring cameras to help reassure Izzy, so she added more Indoor Cams, positioned to check in on the dogs. Now, whenever Izzy feels anxious, Sharon or Craig switch to Live View in the Ring app and offer words of reassurance and comfort to help settle their nervous pup.

“I use the Two-Way Talk function and say “it’s ok” and she calms down. She’s quite happy that she’s heard our voice and knows that everything is ok.”

As it turns out, Henry is a much more adventurous chap. After a few nights of broken sleep, caused by Henry’s howling, Sharon and Craig decided to try letting him sleep outside his dog crate at night. Once again, they used their Ring Indoor Cams to keep an eye on him and it wasn’t long before they discovered why Henry was so unsettled at night. Turns out, nighttime is when Henry likes to roam. Reviewing the footage in the Ring app gives them an insight into all of Henry’s nocturnal adventures.

“He looks out the window, he goes under the table, he’s in all different positions. That’s what’s really entertaining.”

Realising that others might enjoy the antics of her two precious pups, Sharon began uploading footage of Izzy and Henry to their very own Instagram accounts. 

“I started off with Izzy and it took off massively. We’ve got over 20,000 followers on her account. She ended up with a viral video because she’s so cute.”

Not to be outdone, Henry’s nighttime activities also began to draw a significant following. 

“He’s either looking super cute or he’s doing something funny. I download the videos and I upload them to their social media account. People wake up, they have their morning coffee and they check what Henry’s up to.” 

Along with documenting their dogs’ adventures, Sharon and Craig love being able to link their Ring devices with Alexa, adding to their home’s smart capabilities. With a truly connected home, they have even been able to train the dogs to respond to their smart home system. A quick command to Alexa turns off the lights inside, turns on the outdoor lights and the dogs take this as their cue to head out to the garden for a last bit of outside fun before bed. Sharon and Craig can then keep an eye on them using their outdoor Ring Security Cameras.

“I definitely recommend Ring to my friends, I recommend it to my followers as well - for the people who are looking for a device for security and for keeping an eye on their little dogs as well.”

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