For some of us, our Ring Video Doorbells and Security Cameras offer reassurance and peace of mind. For devoted mum Jemma, they offer so much more.
From her home in Cheshire, Jemma uses her Ring Video Doorbell every day to make her life a little easier. Serious health conditions make answering the door a tiring process for Jemma. So instead of rushing to the door each time a delivery arrives, Jemma uses her Ring Video Doorbell to speak with delivery drivers and asks them to leave her parcels on the doorstep.
“I don’t have to rush to the door especially after operations. It also means if I’m at an appointment and I have a delivery I can ask them to put it in a safe place.”
While her Ring Video Doorbell brings some much appreciated convenience for Jemma, the joy and excitement it gives to her son Magnus is even more important to her. In the past, Jemma and her husband created some magical moments for Magnus by using their Ring Video Doorbell to capture the antics of his favourite toys.
“Having watched Toy Story and bought a Woody doll, Magnus began questioning the magic of the toys coming to life. Woody was seen going across the device last May, much to the delight of Magnus.”
When an excited Magnus came home and told his parents about a teaching dinosaur that had visited his school, Jemma saw the opportunity to create another memory for her son.

“He told us all about it and how the man had told him to leave a drink of water out in case the dinosaur was passing in the night. So having left a bowl of water out for the dinosaur and my children in bed, I decided to create a video of the dinosaur visiting for the bowl of water.”
It took Jemma four attempts to get the video just right but the delight on her children’s face was worth all the effort. Magnus was so inspired by the video that he insisted on taking a copy into school to show his teacher and classmates.

But for Jemma, the creation of magical moments doesn’t stop with her kids. Every morning her husband rises before 5.30am to head to work, making sure that he doesn’t disturb Jemma. Despite the early hour he never forgets to leave her a thoughtful message on their Ring Video Doorbell before he goes.
“As he closes the front door he always looks at the camera and says ”I love you“. So I have that every morning when I wake up.”

Along with capturing special messages, Jemma also relies on her Ring Video Doorbell to feel secure when her husband works nights.
“As silly as it seems, it’s allowed me to sleep at night when my husband isn’t here.”
We’re thrilled to hear that her Ring Video Doorbell, is not only helping Jemma feel safer and more secure, it’s also helping her family capture memories full of love, every day.

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